Indian Dreams


Indian Dreams

The ring of a long-distance call shakes up Norma in her Bavarian home. The voice at the other end belongs to her former lover Akash who begs her to reunite with him – in India. Torn between the familiar and the dreams she once harbored, Norma opts for the more exotic route. It leads her to Delhi, the deserts of Rajasthan and jungles of Madhya Pradesh.

It also leads to personal and professional encounters, where passion unites and attitude divides, where skeletons tumble out of cupboards and frisky spirits, robed or cloaked in plain to pompous garbs, have a field day.

Set in the India of the nineteen-seventies, when socialist leanings shaped policies, when the craving to possess what one professed not to want spawned hypocrisy, and when rajas stooped to become hoteliers, this story makes you frown, laugh and wonder about the human and all too human aspects of our earthly existence.


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